Mastering the Seasoning Process: Seasoning a Cast Iron Pan on a Hob

Mastering the Seasoning Process: Seasoning a Cast Iron Pan on a Hob

If you have browsed our store, you will notice that we are big fans of a cast iron pan! These are the main reasons why…

  • Excellent heat retention: Cast iron absorbs and heats evenly across the surface ensuring consistence cooking results!
  • Versatility: You can use them on a hob, in an oven, on an open fire and BBQ’s! There are not many pans that can do all of that!
  • Natural non-stick: Seasoning the pan with oil creates a polymerized layer with no harsh chemicals that can be found on other non-stick coatings.
  • Durability: They last years and years! Look after your cast iron pan and it will join you on your journey through life!


While oven seasoning is a popular method for seasoning cast iron pans, it's not the only way to achieve a beautifully seasoned, non-stick surface. If you don't have access to an oven or simply prefer a stovetop method, you can still unlock the magic of your cast iron pan through seasoning. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of seasoning a cast iron pan on a hob, allowing you to create a non-stick surface and enhance the performance of your new pan!

Gather Your Supplies:

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand. You'll need your cast iron pan, a high-smoke-point oil like vegetable oil, a clean cloth or paper towel, and a hob.

Preparing the Pan:

Ensure your cast iron pan is clean and free from any rust or residue. Scrub the pan with hot water and a gentle brush. Thoroughly dry the pan to prevent any moisture from interfering with the seasoning process. A completely dry surface is key to achieving a successful seasoning.


Applying the Oil:

Pour a small amount of oil onto a clean cloth or paper towel. Rub the oil all over the interior and exterior surfaces of the pan, including the handle. Make sure to cover every nook and cranny with a thin and even layer of oil. Excess oil can result in a sticky finish, so remember that less is more in this case.


Heating the Pan:

Place the oiled cast iron pan on a hob set to medium-high heat. Allow the pan to heat gradually for about 5 minutes. This process helps the oil penetrate the surface and create a durable layer of seasoning.

Distributing Heat Evenly:

After the initial heating, carefully lift the pan off the burner and tilt it in various directions. This technique helps the oil spread evenly across the cooking surface, ensuring a uniform coating. By distributing the oil, you're promoting an even seasoning process and preventing any excess pooling.

Repeating the Process:

Return the pan to the heat and continue to cook it for another 15-20 minutes. During this time, the oil will further polymerize and bond with the cast iron, creating a smooth, non-stick surface. Smoking is totally normally but remember to monitor the heat and adjust it if necessary, to prevent the oil from smoking excessively.

Cooling and Repeating:

Once the desired time has passed, carefully remove the pan from the heat source and allow it to cool completely. As it cools, the oil will solidify, forming a protective layer on the cast iron surface. If you desire a more robust seasoning, repeat the oiling and heating process two to three more times, allowing the pan to cool between each session.


Maintaining Your Seasoned Pan:

To preserve the seasoned coating on your cast iron pan, clean it with hot water and a gentle brush after each use. Avoid using soap, as it can strip away the seasoning. Dry the pan thoroughly to prevent rusting and store it in a dry place. If you notice any loss of seasoning or signs of rust, repeat the seasoning process to restore its non-stick properties.

Following these steps and exercising a little patience, you can create a non-stick coating that enhances your cooking experience. Whether you choose to season your cast iron pan in the oven or on a stovetop, the result will be a kitchen staple that stands the test of time, providing you with countless delicious meals. So, embrace the seasoning process and unlock the full potential of your cast iron pan today! 


If you get stuck or would like some help, use our chat box to get in touch!

Can’t be bothered to read all of that? Check out the directions below..

Cast iron seasoning instructions

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